
My place is between the sentences, hidden behind words, squeezed into letters

Thursday, September 10, 2015

It's a funny story

I am definitely not the only one to realize how funny life is. There are certain moments that remind you of that and in most occasions you don't have the opportunity to write it down or talk about it. Mainly because the realization comes at weird and surprising times. When you do not expect it and therefore it makes it more unique.
When we are born we get a puzzle with many many pieces. I (I, because I do not want to generalize) slowly try to make everything fit. I have an incredible need for everything to fit. I guess I/we are born with that need. So when I was old enough to realize that the pieces don't fit perfectly I started polishing them. First rearranging. Surely if I just move this here and that there everything will be better. And for awhile it is and it works. But then the unexpected happens. You get a new piece of the puzzle that is bigger and weirdly shaped. I get confused and I start asking myself all these questions. Why did I get it? What does it mean? What should I do with it? So again you try to make it fit. So you polish and polish even more. For some reason it has to fit. The picture in my head has to match the reality!
I have certain expectations of what my final picture should look like. It changes from time to time of course but I've learned that that's ok. Just let go of your past pictures and create new ones.
What I am trying to say is I am in a moment where everything fits. I got the picture and I am very happy with it. But at the same time I am a bit taken aback as I did not expect it. It is just so beautiful. Some pieces are still rough around the edges but I have more than enough time to polish them when the time is right.
I am finally at the stage where I am looking forward to new weirdly shaped pieces as they will make me more creative and enthusiastic.
Let's be honest here.. do you know a person who doesn't like puzzles?